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Spring ahead and make way for new things

I don't know about you but I've always been a dreamer. My whole life, I have had these dreams to be an entrepreneur and build this unbelievable life full of new experiences. The problem is that I have never fully allowed myself to follow through with those dreams because life happens and things get put on the backburner. As I have gotten older and my family has grown, this has only become more of a challenge for me. Even being someone who does yearly vision boards, I always find it extremely difficult to get things off the ground. The desire was still there and was always a nagging feeling no matter what I was doing or where I was in life but taking that next step always felt so impossible. I had always been pretty accomplished when it comes to "doing the right things." I went to school and graduated with both a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree. I went the corporate route and experienced success there. I married a great man and we have a beautiful family we are so proud of. With all of that, I always felt somewhat empty because I've never fully pursued the dreams that truly bring me joy.

One of my good friends recently posted a quote that gave me some food for thought about going for my dreams and not being afraid to try out loud. I can't seem to find what that exact quote but I found one that made me feel equally as inspired. Iyanla Vanzant has always been a national treasure to me and she is someone who I believe has lived a life of purpose and tried things out loud, unapologetically. She's one been quoted as saying "Stop hiding! Stop holding yourself back and playing yourself down. Life is special! Life is a special gift and live it out in the open. Decide today that you are going to live out loud."

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